Come Taste The Future
VitaFoods Europe
stand # 3400
We’ll be giving out samples of:
• Kherb Appeal™ , a tasty instant pudding that suppresses appetite & provides essential vitamins, minerals and fiber;
• HHiceCream™ Probiotic Defense, a delicious “Healthy Hospital” soft serve, that provides essential vitamins, minerals & enough probiotics to earn label claims in the US (…& soon in The EU).
• Instant NEWtrition™ , a hot & savory alternative to those sugary, meal replacement shakes.
• Haute Tomato™ , a spicy tomato instant beverage mix, which delivers half of your Daily Value (DV) of 19 essential vitamins and minerals.
We challenge you to find a better tasting “Bloody Mary” mix on the market.
If you’re the first to bring a better tasting, commercially available Bloody Mary mix to our booth, we’ll gone you US $100! *
(* Note: 10, unrelated visitors to our booth must agree that your mix tastes better to win the prize)
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